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Appalachian Food Project

July 2016

Dear Supporters,

Agape House For Humanity is providing humanitarian aid to children and families living in Owsley County, Kentucky by supplying food to a Community Center and Food Pantry. Items will be collected between July 15th and September 15th of this year.

Owsley County is the poorest county in the United States. The 4,890 residents of this rural county were largely dependent on the coal industry and farming as a source of income for generations. The coal industry now employs 63% fewer workers than it did in 2010, and average income from agricultural products sold per farm (2015) was $7,531. Overall, annual salaries (2015) averaged $15,805.

Each of the 596 school-age children in the county qualify for the federal free lunch program. This is largely due to more than 45% unemployment. Unfortunately, many of those children suffer from insufficient food supply between their school lunch on Friday and lunch on Monday (72 hours).

The Community Center’s back-pack program helps to fill that need. The children considered “at-risk” are given a back-pack each Friday. The back-pack is filled with easily-prepared meals and healthy snacks.

Agape House for Humanity is committed to filling a U-Haul trailer with food supplies for this program and transporting the items to the center in September. General food items are also welcome and will be donated to the Food Pantry in that same county which provides food to 250-300 families and elderly each month.

Needed Items

breakfast bars mac & cheese instant oatmeal packs of tuna fish fruit cups peanut butter juice boxes packs of chicken/crackers spaghetti-Os small jars of jelly fruit snacks small cans of veggies

crackers w cheese pudding cups instant soup granola/protein bars

small boxes of cereal instant rice packets beanies & weenies small bags of nuts/seeds

Please be sure that all food items are dated “best by October 2016,” or after.

If you, your church, or organization would like to contribute items or financial support for this project, please contact us or 724-877-5366 to arrange for pick-up.

May God bless you for your compassion and generosity,

Leanna B. Colarich

Leanna B. Colarich

Founder & Executive Director

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